NSW International Education Summit 2025

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The NSW International Education Summit 2025 is a two-day program scheduled for 21 to 22 May 2025, in Jakarta, Indonesia. This event is designed for NSW education providers and education related businesses.

Why Indonesia

Indonesia is a vibrant and rapidly expanding market with a population of over 270 million people, making it the largest country in Southeast Asia and the fourth most populous in the world. Indonesia is one of the fastest-growing economies in Southeast Asia, with a stable average annual GDP growth rate of around 5% in recent years, driven by its strong domestic consumption, investment, and exports.   

Indonesia is a growing source market for international students. It is among the top 10 source countries for international students in New South Wales (NSW). As of September 2024, there are 15,086 Indonesian students enrolled in NSW institutions.

Future-Ready Global Talent 

Indonesia has been one of the fastest-growing international education markets for NSW and offers substantial opportunities for continued growth through the development of Transnational Education (TNE) models, skills development, research partnerships and development of English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) as well as the implementation of quality standards.  

As Indonesia aims to achieve high income status by 2045, the economy will need to develop greater economic complexity and value-adding in its manufacturing sector. The Indonesian Government also has ambitious goals to achieve greater self-sufficiency in areas like food production. 

To achieve these goals, Indonesia will need a globally competitive and capable workforce. There will continue to be an increasing demand for skilled graduates equipped with an international education and practical experience. To meet this demand, fostering collaboration between education institutions, scholarship providers, schools, universities, polytechnics, and industries is essential.NSW, as a leading provider of international education, has a unique opportunity to showcase its institutions and programs while strengthening ties with key Indonesian stakeholders. The NSW International Education Summit 2025 aims to create a platform for dialogue, collaboration, and mutual growth. 


TNE Initiative 

The Transnational Education (TNE) initiative is designed to strengthen educational partnership between NSW institutions and key Indonesian stakeholders. By leveraging the expertise and innovation of NSW institutions, this initiative aims to deliver high-quality programs that are tailored to Indonesia’s national priorities. The key focus areas of TNE are Joint Programs/Dual Degrees, Capacity Building, Skills Development and Research Collaboration.


Indonesian national priorities in education, agriculture, healthcare and digital technology

Indonesia has identified key national priorities such as education, agriculture, healthcare and digital technology. These sectors require skilled professionals with global knowledge and innovative approaches to drive sustainable growth. NSW Institutions have the ability to contribute to these efforts through customised programs, specialised programs and research initiatives.  

Key Dates

21 May 2025

Theme – Building bridges for high quality education and research collaboration – Higher education institutions, high schools, scholarship bodies




8:30am to 9:30am


Welcome Coffee  

9:30am to 10am  

Opening Ceremony & Speeches  

Opening Ceremony 

  1. Representative from the NSW Government 
  2. Representative from the Indonesian Government

      10am to 10:30am  

      Keynote Speaker 1  

      Research and Development: Indonesia Priority Sector 

      10:30am to 11am  

      Keynote Speaker 2  

      Australia Awards Scholarship: Scholarships as Pathways to Global Careers.  

      11am to 12pm  

      Panel Discussion

      Exploring Cross-Border Research and Development Opportunities  

      12pm to 1:30pm  

      Networking Lunch   

      Engage with Speakers and Exhibitors 

       1:30pm to 3:30pm

      Roundtable 1 

      Collaborative Research and Development 

      Roundtable 2 

      TNE Initiatives: Joint Degree, Dual Degree 

      Roundtable 3 

      Session with Indonesian High Schools on Studying in NSW High Schools: Preparing Schools and Counsellors for the Next Generation of Students 

      3:30pm to 4pm 

      Networking Break 

      Engage with speakers and exhibitors 

      4pm to 5pm  

      Collaborative Action Planning  

      Business Matching  


      5.30pm to 6:30pm 

      Networking Dinner 

      High Profile Stakeholders (Invite Only) 


      22 May 2025

      Theme - Strengthening education-industry collaboration to bridge skill gaps




      8:30am to 9:30am  


       Welcome Coffee 

      9:30am to 10am  

      Opening Speeches  

      NSW Government & Indonesian Government 

      10am to 10:30am  

      Keynote Speaker 1  

      Future Skills in Digital and Technology 

      10:30am to 11am  

      Keynote Speaker 2  

      Future Skills in Healthcare Sector 

      11am to 12pm  

      Panel Discussion

      Future Skills for a Global Economy: The Importance of Lifelong Learning by Indonesian Industries and NSW Institutions.  

      12pm to 1pm  

      Networking Lunch 

      Engage with Speakers and Exhibitors 

       1:30pm to 3:30pm  

      Roundtable 1 

      Vocational Study and Skills: Enhancing Employability, Short Courses, MicroCredential 

      Roundtable 2 

      University: Enhancing employability, Short Courses, MicroCredential 

      Roundtable 3 

      High Schools: Individual Networking Session for NSW High Schools 

      3:30pm to 5pm 

      Networking Break 

      Engage with Speakers and Exhibitors (Booth) 

      5:30pm to 7:30pm 


      Entertainment (optional)

      *Note: The agenda is in draft form and subject to change.