Eligibility and selection criteria

Learn more about our eligibility and selection criteria for the NSW International Education Awards 2024.

Celebrating excellence

The NSW International Education Awards recognise the success and contributions of international students across the NSW community and celebrate excellence in organisations working in international education. 

Key dates

The nominations for the 2024 NSW International Education Awards are now closed. 

  • Finalists announced – Early October 
  • Ceremony hosted in Sydney – 6 November 

Award categories

NSW International Student of the Year Awards

The NSW International Student of the Year Awards recognise the contribution made by international students to the community where they study, live and work across four categories: 

  • Schools 
  • English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) 
  • Vocational Education and Training (VET) 
  • Higher Education. 
NSW International Education Industry Awards

The NSW International Education Industry Awards recognise the contribution of education institutions, EdTech providers, and sector organisations that support international students to connect with the community and enhance the international student experience through programs and initiatives across three categories: 

  • Education Providers 
  • EdTech Engagement  
  • Partnership Excellence.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

NSW International Student of the Year Awards

International students can self-nominate, or be nominated by their education institution in the following categories: 

  • Schools
  • English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) 
  • Vocational Education and Training (VET) 
  • Higher Education. 

International students enrolled in foundation studies, bridging, or enabling courses are eligible for the Higher Education category. 

Eligibility criteria

  • The nominee must be an international student (non-Permanent Resident or not a Citizen of Australia) and have been enrolled or completed study in a CRICOS registered courseExternal Link  at an NSW educational institution from 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024. 
  • The student must hold a valid visa for study and currently living in NSW. 
  • Nominations can be made by the international student or their education institution.
  • The nomination must include details of one referee who agrees to be contacted to provide further information on the nomination. The referee cannot be the same person as the person listed on the supporting letter. 
  • International students can nominate as an individual or as a pair (two students). Groups of three or more are ineligible.  
  • In supporting an application, institutions should ensure the nominee:
    • meets the Award eligibility and selection criteria
    • to the best of the provider's knowledge, complied with their visa conditions
    • meets the institution's attendance requirement
    • must be a model student with no record of misconduct. 

These conditions are all subject to the discretion of the education institution.  

  • The NSW International Student of the Year category is not related to academic achievements.

Selection criteria

The selection for the awards is based on the international student’s impact on their institution and community by: 

  • participating in activities, events and programs that fosters community connection and engagement within their education institution (e.g. peer-to-peer support, orientation leadership) 
  • participating in activities, events and programs that fosters community connection and engagement within the broader NSW community (e.g. paid and unpaid volunteering at an organisation, local council, or leadership in a community group) 
  • achievements or contributions must be within the nomination period (1 July 2023 - 30 June 2024). Demonstration of long-term engagement beyond this period will be considered favourably. 

A weighting may be applied for applications from regional areas (i.e., outside metropolitan Sydney).

Winner rewards

The winner of the 2024 NSW International Student of the Year Award in each category will receive: 

  • an official certificate of achievement and trophy 
  • $1,000 cash award 
  • become an NSW International Student Ambassador.  

The highly commended recipient of the 2024 NSW International Student of the Year Award in each category will receive: 

  • an official certificate of achievement  
  • $500 cash award 
  • become an NSW International Student Ambassador. 

All finalists will receive an official certificate and become part of the NSW International Student Ambassador community.

NSW International Education Industry Awards

The Awards will be presented in the following categories:

  1. Education Provider
  2. EdTech Engagement
  3. Partnership Excellence

Education Provider

Eligibility criteria 

Nominations for the Education Provider category must: 

  • be a program or initiative run by a CRICOS registered Education ProviderExternal Link  based in NSW from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024
  • be endorsed by an authorised senior representative from the education provider
  • provide a reference for the program or initiative (the authorised representative can also be the referee, or it can be a different person). 

Education providers can nominate their own program or initiative.

Selection criteria

Program or initiative must address the following: 

  • Facilitated meaningful pathways and enhanced the international student experience in NSW through one or more of the following:
    • Community participation
    • Employability
    • Accommodation
    • Health & wellbeing
    • Student life
    • Leadership programs. 
  • Showcase collaboration & partnerships with NSW communities and industry stakeholders.

EdTech Engagement 

    Eligibility criteria  

    • Applicant must have been exporting or engaging international students for at least 3 years.  
    • Be endorsed by an authorised person of the organisation. 
    • Be an EdTech company based in NSW. 
    • Provide a reference for the program or initiative (the authorised representative can also be the referee, or it can be a different person). 
    • Edtech providers can nominate their own program or initiative. 

    Selection criteria 

    Program or initiative must address how it meets the following: 

    • positively impacted one or more of the following areas:
      • NSW international student success
      • Promoting NSW as a study destination
      • International student employability
      • International education policy & advocacy
      • Transnational partnerships. 
    • demonstrated partnership with an NSW education institution. 

    Partnership Excellence

    Eligibility criteria 

    • Be a local council, not-for-profit, or business that engaged with international students NSW between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024. 
    • Applicants that have been funded by the NSW Government through a sponsorship, grant or service agreement are eligible to apply. 
    • Be endorsed by an authorised senior level employee of the organisation. 
    • Provide a reference for the program or initiative (the authorised representative can also be the referee, or it can be a different person). 
    • Organisations can nominate their own program or initiative. 

    Selection criteria 

    Program or initiative must address how it meets the following: 

    • positively impacted one or more of the following areas:
      • NSW international student experience (e.g., community participation, employability, accommodation, health and wellbeing, student life)
      • promoting NSW as a study destination
      • transnational partnership
      • international education policy & advocacy.

    Winner rewards

    The winner of the NSW International Education Industry Awards in each category will receive: 

    • an official certificate of achievement
    • a trophy.
    Terms and conditions
    • Nominations are to be submitted via the online nomination form. 
    • Nominations must be submitted by close of business on Monday 6 August or as otherwise advertised on the Study NSW website.
    • There is no limit to the number of students an education provider can nominate or support the submission of a nomination, as long as the education provider is comfortable that the student meets the award eligibility and selection criteria.
    • Nominators need to have consent from the nominee before submitting a nomination. 
    • Nominators need to have consent from the referee before submitting a nomination. 
    • A selection panel comprising of community, business and international education industry representatives will assess nominations to determine finalists and a winner in each category. 
    • Nominations may be transferable from one category to another at the discretion of the panel. 
    • All nominees will be subject to reference checking. 
    • All nominators, referees, beneficiaries, and people endorsing nominations agree they can be contacted for reference checks. 
    • All nominations are kept in the strictest confidence. 
    • The winner in each category will be announced at the ceremony in Sydney (Wednesday 6 November 2024 at the Museum of Contemporary Art).  
    • Finalists of all Award categories will be individually notified and will be publicly announced in advance of the ceremony. Finalists need to be able to attend the ceremony. 
    • Successful finalists may be required to participate in a video production that will be screened at the ceremony and used for promotional purposes. 
    • Finalists may be asked to participate in promotional and media opportunities. 
    • Study NSW reserves the right not to award a winner in any or all categories.  
    • Winner/finalists undertake to not enter any activity that will disrepute the NSW Government.

    Frequently asked questions

    When do nominations close?

    Please complete and submit nominations by close of business day Tuesday 6 August 2024. 

    I am trying to submit a nomination online but it's not working – what do I do?

    Please email [email protected]External Link  and the Study NSW team will be in contact with you. 

    I am an international student in NSW and wish to nominate for the Awards – who should I approach at my education institution?

    If you are unsure which staff member you should speak to, start with talking to your lecturer/teacher or student support staff. Show them the information online about the Awards and they should be able to tell you who can help you with the nomination. If staff at your education institution have questions about the nomination process, they can contact Study NSW ([email protected]External Link ).

    I am an international student in NSW. How can I be nominated or how can I nominate another international student?

    International students in NSW can self-nominate or be nominated by their education institution. If you are an international student who has contributed to the community, that it deserves special recognition, complete the online nomination form and make sure you approach your education provider to support your nomination by completing the Education Institution Supporting LetterExternal Link 

    If you would like to nominate another international student studying in NSW that has greatly contributed to the community, encourage them to nominate by sharing this web page with them. 

    I am an international student in NSW. How can I nominate my education provider?

    If your education provider has run excellent initiatives to connect international students to the wider community, please encourage them to nominate for the International Education Industry Award (Education Provider). Please discuss this with the initiative lead/administrator you believe should be nominated. They can self-nominate, and you can provide an endorsement as part of the nomination. If your education institution has questions about the nomination process, they can contact Study NSW.

    I am an education provider in NSW. How can I nominate one of our students for the NSW International Student of the Year Award?

    There is no limit to the number of students an education provider can nominate or support the submission of a nomination, as long as the education provider is comfortable that the student meets the award eligibility and selection criteria. Self-nominations and nominations made by the education provider must include a letter of support on the education provider company letterhead. A template that you can apply to the company letterhead can be downloaded hereExternal Link 

    Please Contact Study NSW if you have any questions about the nomination process.

    I am an education provider/community organisation/local government/EdTech organisation in NSW. How can I nominate one of our programs?

    Self-nominations of programs are accepted for the NSW International Education Industry Award. Please read eligibility criteria for education providers, EdTech engagement and partnership excellence.  

    If you have run a program from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024, please nominate your program or initiative for the NSW International Education Industry Award. You can also nominate a partner education institution for this award category.

    When will I hear back about my nomination?

    Finalists will be announced in early October.  

    After nominations close, all nominations will be assessed by the Awards Panel and Study NSW will conduct reference checks.

    How will references be checked?

    Please ensure you have advised your reference to confirm their current contact details and that they will be contacted by Study NSW.

    How many finalists are selected per category?

    There are typically three to five finalists per category. However, there could be more or less, depending on the number of nominations and on the decision of the Awards Panel.

    How do I find out if I am selected as a finalist?

    Study NSW will email you to let you know the good news. Then we will send you an email with all information you need to know about next steps. Contact us at [email protected]External Link  any time, if you have any questions.

    Where will the ceremony be held?

    The Awards ceremony will be held on 6 November 2024 at the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia in Sydney.

    Can finalists invite guests?

    Yes, each finalist can invite two guests to the ceremony. Your referee and education institution (for the NSW International Student of the Year award) will also be invited to join the ceremony.

    When will invitations be sent?

    Invitations will be sent around one month prior to the ceremony.

    Who are the International Student Ambassador community?

    International Student Ambassador community consists of all previous finalists from the International Education Awards. Being a finalist for an Award automatically admits you into the Ambassador community, which will:  

    • provide past year winners and the highly commended with a ticket to the following year’s International Education Awards ceremony 
    • showcase profiles of previous year winners and the highly commended on the Study NSW website  
    • profile previous year finalists on Study NSW social media channels 
    • provide access to activities and events for all winners and finalists to connect with fellow Alumni and become an Ambassador for the international student community.

    Contact us

    If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]

    Awards alumni

    View the finalists from 2023 and previous NSW International Education Awards here.